A warm welcome to the launch of Thriving Hive! We are delighted to begin this exciting initiative linking beekeepers and scientists to support healthy hives. Our aim is to provide an independent evidence base as a resource for beekeepers and to advise policy makers.
We hope you will join us. Do sign-up to the mailing list to receive news about opportunities to get involved in research in your local area. Our website will be regularly updated with news and topical stories and over-time we will build a library of information that can be freely used by anyone.
Our first project, supported by the British Beekeepers Association, is looking at the potential impact of air pollution on bees and hive products. We hear so much in the news about the impact of air pollution on human health and we would like to know if it is having a similarly negative effect on our bees. Although not much research has been done on this topic, the little that there is suggests that it could do. If you are in the Midlands area you can sign up to have a monitor for air pollution in your apiary and help us understand if pollutants make their way into the hives and their products.
Do take a look around the website and sign-up to the mailing list to receive news of updates direct to your inbox. We hope to bring other projects on-line soon, and to work with you to identify important topics for research.